Wakasa Puffer Fish
Wakasa fugu, the tiger puffer fish cultivated in the Reinan region, the only region on the Sea of Japan side and the northern limit of marine aquaculture, is highly regarded outside of the prefecture, especially in the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe area. Wakasa pufferfish grows in lower water temperatures due to the melting of spring snow for a longer period of time than in other regions, making it tighter and more flavorful.
「Wakasa Puffer Fish」に関する記事

Kappo Fukuyoshi (割烹 福芳)
Enjoy fresh seafood from Obama, Wakasa. Private rooms are available in addition to counter seating.
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Sushi Shimakawa(寿し島川)
We offer sushi and other dishes made mainly from Wakasa ingredients.
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Oshokujidokoro Hamanoshiki (お食事処「濱の四季」)
Based on the concept of "a restaurant that connects the deliciousness of Obama," the restaurant offers a menu featuring seasonal Obama ingredients.
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