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Hamayaki-Yasubei (Nihonkai Sakana no Machi)
はまやき安兵衛 (日本海さかなの街)

Enjoy the traditional taste of grilled mackerel.

  • Grilled Mackerel
  • Grilled Mackerel Sushi
  • Heshiko
  • Tuna
  • Tsuruga City
  • Lunch
  • Fish
  • Japanese Cuisine

Store information Store Information

1-1531 Wakaba-cho, Tsuruga City, Fukui
福井県敦賀市若葉町1丁目1531 日本海さかな街内
Business Hours
10:00~18:00 (L.O 17:00)
Regular Holiday
Same as Nihonkai Sakana Machi
Site URL
SNS・Word of Mouth