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Mahana Table

A cafe where you can enjoy a meal while overlooking Wakasa Bay and relax your body and soul.

  • Mihama Town
  • Lunch
  • Cafe
  • Western Cuisine

Interview report News Report

Please come and enjoy our limited plate lunches with nutritional balance!

Weekly plate lunch with nutritional balance. Each dish is handmade with lots of love and you can enjoy many flavors.
The menu is full of "delicious to eat and fun to look at" ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡.
The rice is our signature "oyaji no meshi" (old man's rice)! It will whet your appetite and satisfy both your mind and body ♡.

Store information Store Information

55-8-1, Sata, Mihama-cho, Mikata-gun, Fukui
Business Hours
Regular Holiday
Tuesdays (Lunch Cafe only open on Mondays & Wednesdays)
Site URL
SNS・Word of Mouth