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Ryotei Harima(料亭 播磨)

The only remaining teahouse in Wakasa Obama. Inheriting geiko culture for three generations, it is loved by both men and women for its traditional songs and dances, as well as its humanistic and charming service. Not only nighttime dining, but also daytime tatami rooms for casual enjoyment and weekend soba lunches are available. Please feel the history of Obama while enjoying the hospitality that only a teahouse can provide.

  • Obama City
  • Lunch
  • Evening meal
  • Japanese Cuisine
  • Fish

Store information Store Information

3 Katori, Obama City, Fukui
Business Hours
18:00~24:00 /Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Holidays Soba Lunch:11:00~14:30
Site URL
SNS・Word of Mouth