Wakasa no Tedukuri Cheese Koubou LA VERITA (若狭の手作りチーズ工房 LA VERITA)

Wakasa no Tedukuri Cheese Koubou LA VERITA (若狭の手作りチーズ工房 LA VERITA)

We look forward to serving you with creative Italian cuisine by Wakasabito, which makes the most of fresh ingredients from Wakasa. Please take your time and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.
管理者 | 8 view
Tontonriu (とんとんりう)

Tontonriu (とんとんりう)

A wide variety of set menus and sets are available. The portions are generous and lunch includes after-meal coffee, making it a great value.
管理者 | 9 view
Hamasyo (浜照)

Hamasyo (浜照)

A la carte dishes, course meals, nabe dishes, sushi, etc. using local seafood, vegetables, and meat are available.
管理者 | 13 view
Yasuke Sushi Honpo (弥助寿司本舗)

Yasuke Sushi Honpo (弥助寿司本舗)

We are a sushi restaurant in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture, in front of Kibi Jingu Shrine. We serve delicious sushi with fresh fish.
管理者 | 13 view
Syokuyu Station HIBIKI (食遊ステーション 響)

Syokuyu Station HIBIKI (食遊ステーション 響)

For lunch, in addition to the daily special and sashimi set menus, the Wakasa Guji set menus are also popular. At night, we offer a wide variety of dishes centering on fish purchased that day, from sashimi to grilled, tempura, and nabe dishes. We strive to create a menu that will appeal to a wide range of age groups.
管理者 | 11 view
BAR Kiraku (BAR きらく)

BAR Kiraku (BAR きらく)

Long-established bar for 56 years, fruit cocktails and food can be prepared.
管理者 | 15 view
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