

It may come as a surprise, but bluefin tuna that migrate around Japan are also landed in Fukui Prefecture. Especially in Wakasa Bay, the early spring months of March and April are the best time to catch a large catch, with tuna weighing more than 200 kg recently landed.

Wakurino Gohanya Okudosan(和久里のごはんや おくどさん)

Wakurino Gohanya Okudosan(和久里のごはんや おくどさん)

Please enjoy Wakasa's satoyama and satoumi ingredients nurtured by Obama's spring water in a relaxed and casual atmosphere in a spacious space with seating for approximately 80 people.
管理者 | 21 view
Sushi Shimakawa(寿し島川)

Sushi Shimakawa(寿し島川)

We offer sushi and other dishes made mainly from Wakasa ingredients.
管理者 | 10 view
Yasuke Sushi Honpo (弥助寿司本舗)

Yasuke Sushi Honpo (弥助寿司本舗)

We are a sushi restaurant in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture, in front of Kibi Jingu Shrine. We serve delicious sushi with fresh fish.
管理者 | 11 view
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